BRICS Summit: A Challenge to the US Dollar's Dominance?

BRICS Summit: A Challenge to the US Dollar's Dominance?

The BRICS nations—Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa—have been making headlines with their ambitious plans to establish a new reserve currency. This initiative, discussed extensively at recent BRICS summits, aims to reduce the global reliance on the US dollar. Here, we explore the potential impact of a BRICS currency on the US dollar and the global financial system.

The Need for a BRICS Currency

The motivation behind the BRICS nations' push for a new currency stems from a desire to assert economic independence and reduce dependency on the US dollar, which currently dominates international trade. The US dollar accounts for about 90% of all currency trading and has been the primary currency for oil trading until recently. In 2023, one-fifth of oil trades were reportedly conducted using non-US dollar currencies.

Global financial challenges and aggressive US foreign policies, including trade wars and sanctions, have prompted the BRICS countries to explore a new currency. By doing so, they aim to better serve their economic interests and protect themselves from the adverse effects of US policies.

The BRICS Summit and Currency Discussions

The idea of a BRICS currency has been a recurring topic at recent BRICS summits. During the 14th BRICS Summit in 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced plans to issue a "new global reserve currency." Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva also expressed support, questioning why the BRICS bank couldn't have its own currency to facilitate trade among member countries.

Despite the anticipation, the 2023 BRICS Summit did not result in an immediate announcement of the new currency. Leslie Maasdorp, CFO of the New Development Bank, indicated that developing a BRICS currency is a medium- to long-term ambition, with no immediate plans for its creation.

Potential Impact on the US Dollar

A successful BRICS currency could significantly impact the US dollar, potentially leading to a phenomenon known as de-dollarization. This would result in a reduced demand for the US dollar, affecting its value and the global economic landscape. The US dollar's dominance as the world's leading reserve currency is already being challenged, with its share decreasing as the euro and yen gain popularity.

According to the US Federal Reserve, the dollar was used in 96% of international trade invoicing in the Americas and around 74% in the Asia-Pacific region between 1999 and 2019. However, the rise of alternative currencies and regional trade agreements could further erode the dollar's dominance.

The Role of Digital Currencies

In addition to a new reserve currency, the BRICS nations are exploring the development of a BRICS blockchain-based payment system. This system, known as the BRICS Bridge multisided payment platform, aims to connect member states' financial systems using central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). Such a platform would offer an alternative to the current international cross-border payment system, SWIFT, which is heavily dominated by the US dollar.

Advantages of a BRICS Currency

The introduction of a BRICS currency could offer several benefits:

  1. Economic Integration: Strengthening economic ties among BRICS nations.
  2. Reduced US Influence: Decreasing the global influence of the US dollar.
  3. Trade Facilitation: Promoting seamless cross-border transactions.
  4. Financial Stability: Mitigating risks associated with global economic volatility.
  5. Innovation: Leveraging blockchain and digital technologies for efficient financial operations.

Challenges and Skepticism

Despite the potential benefits, there are significant challenges to the creation of a BRICS currency. Critics argue that uniting countries with vastly different economies under a single currency is a flawed idea. Additionally, there are concerns about the potential dominance of China's yuan within the BRICS bloc, which could lead to increased dependence on China.

The economic disparity between BRICS nations and the ongoing geopolitical tensions, such as the US trade war with China and sanctions on Russia, further complicate the prospects of a unified BRICS currency.


While the establishment of a BRICS reserve currency remains a topic of discussion, its realization is still uncertain. The potential impact on the US dollar, however, cannot be ignored. As the BRICS nations continue to explore alternatives to the current financial system, the global economic landscape may witness significant shifts. Investors and policymakers alike should closely monitor these developments, as the rise of a BRICS currency could herald a new era in international finance.

In summary, the BRICS nations' pursuit of a new currency is driven by a desire for economic independence and a reduced reliance on the US dollar. While challenges remain, the potential benefits could reshape the global financial system and alter the balance of economic power. As discussions continue at future BRICS summits, the world will be watching to see if this ambitious project comes to fruition.

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