Pakistan's Aspirations for BRICS Membership: Navigating Geopolitical Challenges

Pakistan's Aspirations for BRICS Membership: Navigating Geopolitical Challenges
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In an era marked by geopolitical turbulence, countries must establish robust foreign relationships to withstand the shifting international order. For Pakistan, joining multinational groupings that integrate economies and reduce conflict is crucial. This strategic approach includes Pakistan's applications to prominent international organizations, most notably BRICS.

Pakistan and BRICS: An Overview

BRICS, an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, is a powerful economic bloc representing over 40% of the world’s population and nearly a quarter of global GDP. Pakistan's interest in joining BRICS stems from its potential benefits, including enhanced economic cooperation and strengthened diplomatic ties.

Current Progress and Challenges

Pakistan has already joined the China-led Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) and applied last year to join BRICS. Senator Mushahid Hussain, chairman of the Senate Standing Committee on Defence, highlighted the possibility of Pakistan joining BRICS with Russian support. Given Russia's current presidency of BRICS, this cooperation is seen as a strategic advantage.

The Indian Factor

However, one significant obstacle to Pakistan’s BRICS membership is India. As a founding member of BRICS and given its strained relationship with Pakistan, India is likely to create hurdles. Nevertheless, with active support from Russia and China—both BRICS founders—India's resistance might be mitigated.

Diplomatic Strategies

Pakistan must engage Russia and seek China's cooperation to bolster its BRICS candidacy. Additionally, the UAE and Iran, recent BRICS members with amicable ties to Pakistan, should be enlisted to endorse Pakistan's application. Diplomatic efforts should focus on countering India's attempts to isolate Pakistan internationally.

Balancing Global Relationships

Pakistan’s BRICS aspirations might raise concerns among Western allies, who view Moscow and Beijing with suspicion. However, Pakistan can navigate this by maintaining cordial relations with both Western and Eastern blocs, ensuring that its foreign policy is not a zero-sum game.

Domestic Stability and International Ambitions

For Pakistan to successfully join BRICS and other international platforms, addressing domestic political instability is essential. Stability at home will bolster Pakistan’s position on the global stage and make its BRICS candidacy more appealing to member states.


Moscow, Beijing, and other key BRICS members should consider inviting Pakistan to join BRICS at the upcoming summit in Russia or at least outline a concrete roadmap for its candidacy. Pakistan stands to gain significantly both economically and diplomatically by becoming part of such a prominent global forum. Strengthened foreign relations and strategic international alliances will position Pakistan favorably in the evolving geopolitical landscape.

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